Three Pictures Can Tell A Story

I am determined to have another photoblog this year in an effort to make up for last year's dismal attempt. Living in Virginia and on the East Coast has so many advantages. We're within easy driving distance of the Nation's capital. We're only three hours from great beaches. We're just a hop across the pond to Europe. And yet, if I never visited any of those places, I would still have enough photographs to fill a book just by wandering the streets and alleys of my own beloved and charming town.

Won't you join me for a photographic series of trios taken in and around historical Leesburg, Virginia?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Union Cemetery at Sundown

One thing we’ve got going for us here in Leesburg is a literal hotbed of Civil War era history.  I’ve driven past the Union cemetery at least a thousand times on my way to the gym, library and piano lessons, but have never stopped to go in until yesterday. It is a serene and beautiful place with gravestones covered in moss bearing names from the 1800’s of men and women who lived during an uncertain time of our country’s history.  Enjoy a few shots from the Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Virginia.



And a bonus photo because this falcon was an ideal model, so I had to.


  1. Samantha, these pictures are stunning! P-E-R-F-E-C-T! You and Edward are doing an awesome work!

  2. The first is my fav this week. I like the green especially.

  3. These are great pictures! There are so many things to photograph in Leesburg and the surronding areas. I am looking forward to all the photos you are going to be posting.

  4. Lovely, I love hanging out with the dead.

  5. Cool pictures. Love the one with the Hawk.
